The future of Ties: An interview with Mr. Ohaji of Drip Ties.

So i have with me today a very, very handsome, tall, light skin bobo. Sitting with me today is the one and only CEO of DripTie’s. Oh and he also happens to be my friend.

1. Welcome my darling, can we get to know you?

Thank you for having me๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป.
Princewill is an International Law Consultant, Fashionpreneur, Problem Solver and a passionate youth whose drive is towards

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The art of Loving. Straight from Ogadinma’s heart.

My peopleeeeeee, i hope we enjoyed/still enjoying the festivities because as for me i still haven’t had a complete bottle of drink in the last emmm, lets say 3-4 days fa. Anyways, come new year, we are (me, me, me) going to launch into another fit-fam journey (Oreofe why are you always lieing) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ enough about me for a bit, well, well, you can’t get enough i know, i know but movingggggg on.

My beautiful, smart (oh trust me when i say smart)

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The Olla effect

Holaaaa! LOL, hey guys today i would be conducting an interview with someone i look up too, someone that is a sort of millennial motivation to me (plus he kinda looks like wolverine, a tenny, weeny, little bit).

He has his very own clothing line (which is kind of a big deal) as it has crossed numerous boaders

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Getting to know Simsi Kaempf

Hey guysssss, you know i only get this excited whenever i conduct interviews and today i will be conducting an interview with a very classy lady.

From the pictures it is very evident that she is very, very attractive. Currently all i know is she is a mother, plays

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An Interview with Frank Nwafor, the Gadget Pimp god.

Growing up, i always watched this program pimp my ride where on the selection of requests a certain car belonging to a certain someone gets pimped. How i wished for a car around that period of time, but oh well.

Today i am conducting an interview with someone labelled the Pimp god. I will also be giving out his contact details so you get to pimp your gadgets with him, not for free of course but it comes at a cheap price. A very very cheap rate.

Interview Questions

1) So sir can we get to know you?

I’m Frank Nwafor,

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The world literally at my feet: The 6FT6 life of Ezra

Hey guysssss, i am so excited, I have something beautifully, interesting for you today, something a little more eye candy for the ladies ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

Today i will be conducting an interview with a fitness trainer/ model who stands at 6FT6 (that’s wayyyy taller than me). My village people would start screaming he is not that tall. Awon haters!!!

My beautiful people do sit back and enjoy. There

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“She who owns the pussy calls the shot”- A friendly chat with my modern day Woman friend.

So guys, i try my best to ride around the topic of feminism but the truth is oh well, i can’t really avoid it. Today i will be having an anonymous interview with a very good friend of mine. I hope she does justice to this subject.

1. LMAO, i just realised i can’t really ask an anonymous person to tell us about herself, but will you be willing to try?

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The Tales of a Lagos “waka about”!

Yayyy, i am soooo excited, you all know i only get this exicted when ever i do interview, ding ding ding correct.

Today i will be conducting an interview with my friend who happens to be a Lagos “waka about” (a person who loves adventure and does not sit still). She is so beautiful plus if you ever need company travelling i will rent her to you for a small fee!

1) Awels the mamaaaaa, i already know you (as you already know) so kindly give these beautiful people an oppurtunity to get to meet you.

Hi everyone, I’m Christine Awele, a

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